Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dirt Cheap

Today I went to a store entitled "Dirt Cheap". Interesting names down here. After asking the locals where the good deals were *(I have since bought curtains, a bread machine and a night stand thanks to their suggestions -not all at one store), I was told I needed to head to Dirt Cheap. I now know why it's called such. You dig and you dig and you dig and maybe you'll find a treasure.

See what I mean?

Today was my second trip in, my first trip I didn't purchase anything. This is the store where they send all the Target rejects. Target is my favorite store. I'd been hunting for the place where Target things go to die and finally I found it. But I just couldn't buy anything. I was specifically looking for curtains, and while they did have the best deal in town or online I was too upset to care. 

Bedding section
After pillaging through two walls of bedding and other goods for the home I had to leave. It all seemed so wasteful, so disrespectful, didn't anyone care? Not just care that Target goods were being abused and misused all over the place but care that THIS was their store?

After some time marinating in my disgust I decided to return today, after all I can't just walk away from a good deal, the best deal, the Dirt Cheap deal. 

Today's feat

Today I rummaged around until I found two matching curtain panels, both in perfect condition. It took a good long while to find two that matched. Each for $5. Believe me now that it's a smokin' deal? 

Today's score

I'd say it was worth the battle. Sickening, but worth it. I suppose that's the price you pay for being 
dirt cheap.

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