Friday, August 30, 2013


Did you know the smoke monster lives in Alabama?

If you don't believe me you'll have to watch this video.

Doesn't it sound just like the smoke monster from LOST? We think so, only it isn't. It's a cicada.

They live lots of places, also here in AL...

They look like...

Thankfully this is not our experience.....yet.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dirt Cheap

Today I went to a store entitled "Dirt Cheap". Interesting names down here. After asking the locals where the good deals were *(I have since bought curtains, a bread machine and a night stand thanks to their suggestions -not all at one store), I was told I needed to head to Dirt Cheap. I now know why it's called such. You dig and you dig and you dig and maybe you'll find a treasure.

See what I mean?

Today was my second trip in, my first trip I didn't purchase anything. This is the store where they send all the Target rejects. Target is my favorite store. I'd been hunting for the place where Target things go to die and finally I found it. But I just couldn't buy anything. I was specifically looking for curtains, and while they did have the best deal in town or online I was too upset to care. 

Bedding section
After pillaging through two walls of bedding and other goods for the home I had to leave. It all seemed so wasteful, so disrespectful, didn't anyone care? Not just care that Target goods were being abused and misused all over the place but care that THIS was their store?

After some time marinating in my disgust I decided to return today, after all I can't just walk away from a good deal, the best deal, the Dirt Cheap deal. 

Today's feat

Today I rummaged around until I found two matching curtain panels, both in perfect condition. It took a good long while to find two that matched. Each for $5. Believe me now that it's a smokin' deal? 

Today's score

I'd say it was worth the battle. Sickening, but worth it. I suppose that's the price you pay for being 
dirt cheap.

Age Gap

You know what I'm ready for? I'm ready for the day that my peers come back to church. I know it's not very trendy to want to get older, to welcome the years that are passing but for this I am more than ready. I'm ready to be in my 30's, the time I anticipate many folks settle down, have kids, etc. I'm ready for them to fit the stereotype we have all come to know.

"Oh wait, I'm in my 30's and now I have kids....I can't raise them without church"... And then they'll come find one. Maybe this is wishful thinking?

I'm ready for the day when I'm not the youngest one in Sunday School Classes or Bible Studies or on Mission Trips. Having stayed in the church circuit through my 20's I can safely tell you that this has all happened to me. I've gone on the mission trip and had the 20 year gap between me and everyone else. I've sat through the Bible Study with all the retirees and this last weekend Dan and I went to Sunday School together only to find we were the young couple again.

I don't want this to sound like I'm complaining because all of these things have made big impacts on my walk with Christ. I'm thankful for the opportunity and would still participate again, even given the age differences.

Some studies do validate my hopes and say folks will come back to church, but when they are good and ready. After they've traveled and moved around and lived a little. But I'm missing them now, I'm missing my peers who can relate to my stage of life, to my relationship with the Lord and who are our age.

Your thoughts, views?

Reason to Praise, not that you need a reason

Dear Les Schwab,

Thank you very much for reimbursing the incurred costs we racked up during the great wheel/tire saga of 2013. You didn't have to reimburse us (although, I really hoped you would) but we applaud your-dare I say *pwnge- customer service skills. I do apologize for my harsh works spoken previously this month, I was more than frustrated. Thank you for responding to our need, correcting your error and rebuilding my faith in your organization.

Cross Country Traveler

*pwnge=really good

Monday, August 26, 2013

Bow to your partner

Today marks one year of marriage with Daniel McCurry. 

I know, we are excited about it too!

We did not imagine we would be here 365 days ago, here as in Alabama, we did imagine and plan on being here; as in married and celebrating said marriage 365 days ago and 364 and 363, etc. Today we celebrated in some unconventional ways. Maybe you have a story like ours. No dinner at a fancy restaurant, no tropical vacation. Today we celebrated most of our day on campus. 

I dropped Dan off at work, which has become our normal routine. Hurried off for a quick doctors appointment and then joined Dan for a homemade PB and J lunch people watching and celebrating our year. I left Dan to finish his teaching day and then joined him for a quick drink at Starbucks, again on campus. After our iced drinks were finished we joined a welcome party for Dan's department- faculty, staff and families included. 

I didn't think I'd be spending my anniversary square dancing but that is how we ended up spending our evening. This picture, of course, doesn't show us. I can't dance and take a photo, I'm not that talented but trust me we did our fare share of Dosydoe. Part of welcoming the international students was teaching them a traditional Country Western Dance. Their idea, not mine. I did actually enjoy it though. 

Happy First Anniversary my love, here is to many more unexpected adventures and celebrations. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Some moments I really feel like the new girl. Like yesterday at an estate sale I popped into. It was overloaded with people and cars. To avoid a backing up car I stepped out of the way onto the grass and right into a community of what I can only presume to be fire ants. I say this because I instantly felt pain on my foot (it is now covered in little red bites). I started stomping and shaking, bending over to brush away the ants. I'm sure I looked ridiculous shaking my leg in the air. Lesson learned, stay on the concrete.

Other moments I feel like things are as they should be. Like when I don't have to use the GPS to get from point A to point B (thanks Brad and Susan for leaving yours) because I know my way around.

New or not we are making memories and friends as our days continue. I went to the Doctor's office today, a new experience for me in  AL. I had such a nice conversation with my doctor, all about faith and church. I don't normally strike up faith conversations with strangers but people here are so chatty and friendly and talking about beliefs and faith seems to be run of the mill.

Folks are friendly most of the places I go, a stranger (not a strange man) chatted me up yesterday in the health food store, Tuscaloosa's one and only. I was browsing my Quinoa options, there are two choices by the way, and he started asking me if I knew how to cook it and then proceeded to give me a tour of the store and the rest of the grains he used. It was fantastic. I could use more of this southern hospitality and openness in my life. Good thing this is our new home. *Note, there is one tiny whole foods store, thankfully they carry some of the ingredients we have come to love- Tahini, Quinoa and Flaxseed but if we ever travel to another town we are stocking up on the goods they don't carry.

Dan is also finding joy in his days here. He has students from Columbia, Korea, Japan, Ethiopia, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and a few others. They are all in his classroom and he didn't even have to get on a plane.  Pretty great for a guy who loves to travel and meet all sorts of folks.

Pretty good third week if you ask me.

This may be obvious but I wonder what happens if you shop here?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 13

I have to keep reminding myself that we've only been here for 13 days. I remember telling my mother in law that I wasn't feeling so rushed this time around to get things in order, to settle in and such. That was the me of last month, the me of today totally disagrees with her. I am not a patient person. I would prefer if we were already involved at church, if we had living here down pat instead of being in this phase of ‘transition’ (said with disdain). Alas, we are here and are learning.

Dan starts teaching this week, which is exactly what we came here for. That feels good to be starting something, even if it isn't me teaching. He’s gone into work several times since we moved, having lunches and meetings and training but Wednesday is his first day of class. Wouldn't you be excited if you were him? I know I would be, and am FOR him. I wasn't a fan of school while in it but looking over his lesson plans and curriculum gets me excited. He gets to provide his students with skills and tools and I can just imagine how fun it’s going to be.

Aside from my job of finding a job I've been making our space homey. I found this beat up night stand at a rummage sale and gave it a fresh coat of paint. 



Thursday, August 15, 2013


Dan often says our house looks like Pinterest come to life. I choose to look at that as a compliment. This week I brought a few more ideas to life. 

Good Ol' Washington

With a route we know so well

I bought a mirror from a CL gal today for $5. We had to drive a bit out of the way but for $5 I was willing. Before the mirror was that pre-fab wood, not my favorite. 

Thankfully, today wasn't too hot so I did the remodel outside, after taping the edges of course. 

I originally envisioned the mirror sitting atop our mantle but it is so huge, and heavy that it makes a better dressing mirror. Don't you just love a good bargain?

As we were driving today I thought of you, yes you my reader, I thought about the chuckle you'd get driving around down here, probably the same chuckle you hear from us as we discover our new home.  Two things you may already think you know about the south, and you would be right. One, they are proud of their southern heritage and two, proud of their football. 

Forever in the heart of Dixie.

All I knew about Paul Bear Bryant before coming here was....nothing. I'd heard his name before but only as the dog on the movie Sweet Home Alabama. When we came in June I was awakened to the legend before us. There is of course a street named after him as well, and I'm sure a few other things I'm missing. 

It's a serious thing the south and their ways. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Week one reflections

Does your body react to stress? My eyelids become red and they burn like crazy about a week after stressful events. They've been acting up these last couple of days right on cue. Thankfully the deeper we go into our days here the less stressful our lives are becoming.

Furniture: We've been to nearly every furniture store in Tuscaloosa, not sure what the going rate was for used furniture in town we had to do our homework. We went to several places two and even three times, Dan isn't working yet hence our freedom to roam about the town, in and out of furniture stores. Today we found a steal of a deal, during our second visit to Sealy Furniture. We also bit the bullet and bought a new box spring today at Five Corners Furniture, a local store with great employees. In Longview people are just giving them away on CL but here, this being a college town and all, you have to pay a pretty penny for something as insignificant as a box spring. I was determined to get a deal on our furniture and that's all well and good but you have to do go huntin' for the deals. My very patient husband waited as I went back and forth in my decision making process. We paid for our sofa to be delivered knowing it would save our backs and maybe even our marriage (wink, wink).

Banks: There are more banks here than churches, that may be an exaggeration but at the very least they tie. We've seen only one national chain bank (Wells-Fargo) the rest are Alabama this or Tuscaloosa that. There is an Alabama Credit Union, and Alabama ONE Credit Union and Bank of West Alabama and Bank of Central Alabama, take your pick.

People: The folks are real kind. We have conversations with our tellers, store clerks, furniture sales men and other strangers during the day. Good thing my husband is outgoing.

Cars: It's a trend (just like short shorts and long shirts- which are everywhere!) to put giant wheels on your car. Not sure we will be joining this trend either.

Church: We found a church online several months ago and on Sunday we went for the first time. It was refreshing to not be disappointed. It was lovely. Full choir, full band with wind instruments and loud. At one point I stopped singing to take it all in and it seemed like everyone was singing and really loving it! The pastor shared a great message. I think we'll be back. 

Climate: Although hot and sticky we are coping well I'd say. We find we are tired at the end of the day but that could be mixed with all we put into one day along with the climate and adjusting to our new life here. We've listened to several storms and driven through several as well. Our AC is fixed now and makes life in the apartment much more bearable. When it rains it dumps, so much so that when we wake in the morning there are still puddles here and there from the water the ground couldn't absorb. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A smattering if you will

I'm thinking our thermostat may need to be replaced, don't you?

It's cooler outside than it is in our apartment, more humid of course, but cooler. We had a second string maintenance man come by today. He added some... well we don't actually think he did anything. The number one man will be back on Monday, let's hope we don't have to spend too many more 90 degree nights sweating in bed. 

I thought you might enjoy seeing a "speed table". Yes, there are signs posted for the tables all over town. Bigger than your normal bump and odd enough I had to share with you. 

Two things have redeemed themselves today, Craigslist and estate sales. A few months back I swore off estate sales, too musty, creepy and funky but today I found a very lovely rocking chair- for a bargain too!

If you've been following the blog you know about all the woes we've had with Craigslist folk but today we met some real nice folks who sold us their dining room table and chairs. We appreciate their honesty, promptness and help loading the gear into the truck and now I have a place to eat my meals. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


It's official, we are Alabama drivers. I feel like we are in a life size game of Dominoes. If we put all the pieces just so it will all come together, but one must not be done without another.

First, before you can open a bank account here (which is what we did today), you have to first have a state ID, or a utility bill and a social security card. We explained that we had just moved here this week and hadn't received any utility bills but they stared at us blankly. We walked away realizing we were going to have to do our homework before pressing on.

We also went to get our license today. In order to get a license we had to come with our SS card, our passport and current WA licence. I'm surprised they didn't ask us to sign our name in blood or promise our first born child. They do things a little differently down here, a little more strict if you will. When they deem you competent to drive in Alabama they punch your prior license. I shed a little tear when the gal punched mine six times! They only punched Dan's twice. I wasn't sad at the loss of the actual plastic, I'm sure you knew that, but at the change that was happening. I don't do well with change and this week there has been a lot of it. We took back all the documents that represent our citizenship here including our new AL license.

Next domino, Dan is going into work tomorrow and wants to get a parking permit for the parking garage or as they call it here: parking deck. But in order to get parking permit we first needed a correct license plate. We did that today too. Again, they do things a little differently here in the south.

You have to bring your car title, that I understand, as well as proof of car insurance. They also want to inspect your car. We weren't sure what this meant but were willing to play along. We got in line and up to the front when they asked us if we had our car with us, "yes, it is across the street" (a two lane street mind you). "No, you need to move it to the front of the bldg or to the parking lot on the side or behind the bldg". Did they know that would be farther than across the street? Dan got out of line, moved the car and got back in line. It was now our turn at the front, round two. The clerk came out to meet us to 'inspect' the car- verify the plates, check the VIN number and mileage. Goodness, all these hoops make me feel like I'm back in a foreign country. What happened to efficiency?

They award tabs by last name, M's are done in June. Thankfully they prorate the fee. They do not however have an option to pay online so we'll be back for more hoops and surrender of documents.

We also went furniture shopping today. We didn't buy any mind you, the prices people put on furniture are enough to make me ill, but we did our fare share of browsing.

In the midst of all of this to and fro we did enjoy a bit of the downtown.

After reading Susan's blog today I couldn't help but be inspired and thought her artist's eye might have caught some of these downtown beauties. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Take a guess

We'll we've come across the country and I hate to say this but it appears that many of the states are the same, at least they look the same from the highway. Big and expansive the US might be but a lot of it looks very similar, at least the route we took.  Maybe the cities would be an exception but the countrysides do have a common thread about them. 

Let's see if you can tell the difference. The following pictures were taken from our journey east. I'm not going to tell you where, you have to guess. 

Number One

Number Two

Number Three
Number Four

Number Five

What states were these pictures taken in?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Day

Welcome to Emi-Woro, I mean Tuscaloosa. I was confused when we first arrived, it definitely felt like Nigeria; balmy, sticky, dumping rain, lush jungle landscape but no, this is Alabama. We pulled into our apartment after driving just 3.5 hrs from Nashville this morning.

If you haven't been to Nashville you should check it out. It's pretty great.

We picked up our keys and started to unload our car just as the sky decided to dump rain and I do mean dump. We decided to delay the unpacking process and run errands.

We had to go in person to set up our water and we needed to set up internet- an essential to staying connected to the outside world or in this case to you- the reader. I somehow maneuvered the car down the road in the rain without hitting anything or anyone. I guess this is our new normal.

After errands we unpacked as much as we could. We were going to leave some things in the truck bed overnight but when it started to rain again we went back for the last of it. The bottoms of our boxes were soaked through, so much for reusing those, we'll have to make friends with another liquor store owner. We are tired but accomplished a lot today and are thankful to finally be in The Beautiful Alabama. We have two bedrooms now and can't wait for you to come on down for a visit.

Looks like someone just moved in right? Oh wait, we did.

Susan, of Susan and Brad, has written more about their journey. Check it out here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

4 States 5 hours

We started the day at the very dark hour of 4 am. I don't remember the last time I had to wake at 4, I try to block out those mornings. After a very sleepy walk to the car we set off through St. Louis, crossing the Mississippi and leaving Missouri. We wanted to be sure to see Brad and Susan before they left today.

We watched the sunrise as we crossed through Illinois and finished out our morning by driving through Kentucky and Tennessee, crossing the both the Ohio and the Tennessee river. Who knew you could get so much accomplished before noon?

There are the Clarks in the small white car and there is downtown Nashville.

We finally got to use the walkie talkies today and most importantly we finally got to caravan with our road trip buddies, just for an hour or so but it was still fun. After dropping the Clarks off at the airport we set off for our hotel. Hoping they would let us check in early. Remember we started our day at 4 am today, we were really looking forward to a nap. The hotel staff was very kind, letting us check in early and upgrading us to a room with a Jacuzzi spa, I wonder if I looked as weary as I felt? It's quite possible, but I accepted and even enjoyed a bubble bath.

We are looking forward to exploring the city today. So far we've been to lots of places but haven't really seen then. We roll into our destinations somewhere in the 9 o'clock hour, check in, treat ourselves to a hot shower and then hurry up and go to bed knowing we have to repeat the process all over again tomorrow. Today we break that trend, our final push is completed and we have just a few hours until we arrive 'home' tomorrow.

I have mixed feelings about arriving in Alabama tomorrow. At one point yesterday, I think around exit 198 in Kansas, I was ready to turn the car around. No, no, no I don't think Tuscaloosa is for me. This may have been the me who was tired of driving ALL the way across this very big country. Ready or not we are driving down tomorrow and I think I'm ready.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Real South

First of all I feel I need to apologize. Kansas I'm sorry for the bad rap you've been given. Clearly you are so much cooler than Wyoming, I mean you may be a little flat but at least you are green!

I was pretty sure we had entered the south today. The climate changed, suddenly I became sticky just by stepping outside. The landscape changed, we went from rolling plains to lush jungle like scenery and we started seeing signs for the Dixie HWY and Confederate reenactments. Our waiter at dinner tonight told us not until we got to Tennessee or lower 'Missoura' would be in the south. He then proceeded to tell us about how he being from Louisiana was amazed sometimes driving through states like Mississippi to see what takes place. "Hard to believe some of what goes on is still allowed to happen in the United States". Gulp, if that is his opinion as a southerner what am I going to think? I guess you'll have to wait to find out.

We passed over many, many "rivers" today. It so cute/lame what they consider to be a river down here. It must have been because they hadn't yet seen the Mighty Columbia when they started to name the creeks and streams that we've been passing over. They tried but I am disappointed each time I look over the bridge to find a dry "river" bed, how cute.

We did see one REAL river today the Kaw River, now that is what I'm talking about. 

We drove for what seemed like forever, passing over into a new time zone and everything, though really it was just 11 hrs or so. We laughed most of our way through Colorado, Kansas and Missouri (as they say in the north) to Jim Gaffigan's new book "My Dad is Fat", I would highly recommend it.

Tomorrow we are meeting up with our road trip buddies for an hour before they catch a plane back to Washington. We are leaving SUPER early so we can see them off. They have been so kind to help us in our endeavor. Nashville here we come.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


We made it to Denver! Need I say more? That in itself is all the news you need to hear. At 12:30 Dan pulled up to the hotel with the truck and I just couldn't stop grinning, so relieved to finally be going. I've included this picture so you too can be thankful for the proximity of the mechanic shop.

It is the small bldg way in the back. The larger looking hotel looking bldg is in fact our hotel and the bldg with the chimney was a restaurant for our first night's dinner.  We are so thankful for our mechanic DJ, I could go on and on about how great he was to help us out. If you ever break down in Billings, call me up, I'd be happy to pass along his info. 

We put 500 + miles behind us today. Not that we are happy to be leaving you but we are happy to be closer towards the goal. Don't we look happy, a little weary but happy.

We've also decided Wyoming is code for 'home for hermits' because if you want to be forgotten just head to Wyoming. I don't think America should ever have a fear of running out of room for folks to live, don't worry there is lots of land to spare. 

Another bonus to today was entering cell phone coverage. Three days isn't really that significant but it was an adjustment for us and we really appreciated being back in a zone where we could text and call and such. Thank you friends and family for all the nice messages you passed to our phones while we were out of reach. 

Tomorrow we set out on a very long trek. An eleven and a half hour trek actually. We are leaving bright and early for St. Louis, MO. We appreciate your prayers, keep them coming. 

We have one question for you. What are these? All we know is that they are all over Wyoming and we can't figure why. Enlighten us.

A fence maybe?

Today's Goal

If everything goes according to plan D, we haven't created a plan E yet so let's just stick with what we currently have. If everything goes according to plan we should be laying down our little heads for a rest in Denver, Colorado tonight. We haven't checked in with our mechanic yet but we are hoping for good news this time. Brad and Susan assured us that we weren't missing much on the road to St. Paul, apparently ND Badlands are worth missing too.

Denver, here we come!

Friday, August 2, 2013

One more night

There are no words, just frustration. This thing is like an onion. We walked over to the mechanic's shop several times today and each time he had more bad news for us as he discovered more of the bad work from Les Schwab. Maybe my Wenatchee friends would have some good things to say about Les Schwab but this time I do not. I have a definite bone to pick with them. Turns out when they replaced the brakes on Wednesday they put on the wrong equipment. I'm not too savy with car lingo but something about rotor, calibers and lug nuts. All of it boils down to more time in Billings as our mechanic works long and hard to fix a job that should have been done properly on Wednesday.

At least our truck and therefore all of our possessions are locked nicely in an air conditioned shop away from the weather and those who might be tempted to take my blender or silverware home with them.

We've decided to switch up our adventure and head to Nashville as quickly as possible. We will miss Dan's aunt and brother but Susan and Brad, our road trip buddies who we've yet to road trip with, are leaving Nashville by airplane on Monday and we need to get our car, which by the way is having no problems, ironic I know. So our new plan of action is to drive to Denver tomorrow- our car is scheduled to be done around 12...

After Denver we'd overnight in St. Louis and then Nashville. My friend Michelle said Kansas is worth missing but I think North Dakota and Nebraska leave little to be desired as well so Kansas it is. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


We found out the news from the mechanic. Turns out, not only was the leaf spring in need of a tune up but when we had our car serviced at Les Schwab, just two days ago, they didn't put our tire on accurately and now our front right tire has to be replaced. The mechanic told us that when we came rolling into Billings today all of the lug nuts were missing from the right tire, save two which he proceeded to break off with his fingers. Yikes! This sounds like a story from my Africa days, does it not? Thank you Lord that our tire did not fall off these last two days and thank you that we are safe. 

Billings, not on the agenda

We have the opposite of the Midas touch, what would you call that? All I know it that things we touch do not turn to gold, in fact it seems they don't work the way we planned at all. We started off the day in a good mood, we set the alarm for 7, but woke at 8 forgetting we were in Mountain time. No trouble, who doesn't enjoy and extra hour of sleep. We enjoyed a continental breakfast, filled up on gas and set off for Dickinson. Disclaimer: We did not make it to Dickinson today.

After driving 105 miles in just two hours we decided we needed to ditch the country road we were on. Too many over sized loads with tractors and semis and too much road construction to make it worth staying on the current route. Beautiful but slow.

Thankfully we packed AAA state maps for our journey, we didn't realize that Montana also means no cell service. Note to all Sprint users, find a different way to get around, communicate and travel in the current century. Because of these maps we were able to take a spontaneous and necessary change of plans, heading south to Billings where we now sit and wait.

About 50 miles into our detour we started to hear a rumbling from the leaf spring on the front tire. Again, not the Midas touch. Given our past experience of a breaking down we decided to stop in Billings and see about fixing the truck. We were both very frustrated at this point but Dan navigated us to a AAA store. Again, travelers, if you don't have AAA and are thinking of driving cross country I would recommend you invest. They saved our bacon today. Because we had no cell service- since Couer D'Alene- we borrowed the land line at the AAA store, got a map of Billings and they also they helped us book a hotel and find a mechanic (ones that were close together-knowing we would have to walk with no car). Turns out our hotel is right across the alley from the mechanic shop, I can look out our window and see the shop. Huge bonus.

We tried to cancel our hotel for tonight in Dickinson- no go. But Kevin had the idea of postponing it- thanks Kevin- until tomorrow and they went for it. So we have a short drive tomorrow, pending the truck repair. AND THEN on Saturday we will drive 16 hours- God willing- to Upland, IN.

I think I would have chosen a different mode of transport if I knew then what I know now. Yes, next time I will fly cross country. But for now, we sit and wait.

Pray for our sanity and strength and for the very long drive ahead.