Wednesday, March 8, 2017

37 Weeks, second go round

Well girl, I tried, I really did. We took photos outside and inside, days apart even and no matter which way you slice it or dice it I still end up looking very pregnant and I'm afraid, very tired. No use denying it I guess but the exhausted and uncomfortable look is not my favorite.
Please come soon-ish.

We chose a name for you, in honor of it being March (the month of your due date) and all, we decided it best time and I love it! I hope you love it too. We have family and friends lined up to help when you arrive and you have a sister who is anxiously awaiting your arrival. I'm glad you'll be arriving in the spring. We didn't really plan it that way but there is so much joy in the arrival of spring. New life, colors and warmth. How fun to have a birthday during this season of new growth. 

At least that's what March looks like in Alabama. Plenty of states still have snow, but we won't go into that. Instead we are relishing in the days of trees blooming, light jackets and plenty of afternoons in the backyard. 

Happy spring and happy birth month (hint, hint).