Sunday, December 22, 2013

Packing material

Dear South,

I think you should know when we moved we only packed our winter coats to create padding between our dishes and platters. We didn't actually think it would be cold enough to wear them. You have proved us wrong and I am let down. What happened to the heat? Don't you have a reputation for being warm? I'm told you'll remain like this  for the next several months. My original thought was isn't there any good time to be here? And then I remembered October. Guess I'll have to hold that in my memory, my nice cozy and warm memory.

Thankful for the coat,

PS I'll be leaving you for a few days. Thankfully I know you are a hard core traditionalist and won't go changing in my absence. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas in Ttown

Remember what I said about 7s? What I love about being here during the holiday season is the amount of flair Tuscaloosa throws into it. They celebrate with such enthusiasm. There are trees everywhere, on top of the hospital (one of the tallest points in town), in front of the University and in every cafe, store and shop. 
They bring in a ice skating rink for the month, have downtown parades and gatherings and have a trail of trees members from the town can decorate. (see below). Perhaps they are compensating for the fact that today's high was 60 degrees. Not exactly Christmasie....

This one is my favorite. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Makings part three

If you'll recall previous posts about Christmas decor.....

Then here is the finished product. Yet another use for that burlap and fabric from the church sale!

7 days out, Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Strange behavior

Dear South,

It has been a few days since we last talked, okay since I last talked, but I felt like you were such a good listener so here are a few more points that leave me stumped.

Men down here (and maybe a few women) like to sport these on a regular basis.

I may be from up north but last I checked 60 degrees didn't warrant winter snow boots. When I was growing up we begrudgingly wore these boots to remove snow from our driveway. It was anything but cool. Did I miss the memo? I guess with most fashion trends they don't have to make sense to catch on.

While I've noticed an abundance of extra thick footwear, I have yet to observe any PDA. In fact I'm pretty sure my husband and I are the only ones who hold hands or steal a quick kiss in all of Tuscaloosa. I think my friends in Washington would agree with me that this is abnormal. Abnormal for us at least. While I was living in Africa this kind of behavior was normal but I'm not in Africa, at least I thought. Anyway where is the love?

Too much or too little?

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Dear South,

Recently I listened to an Ennegram seminar and have decided you are a number 7. 7s love to have fun, they are the life of the party; sometimes to their own destruction and most often to the point of denial. We love to have a good time with you but wish you would expand your horizons....just a bit.

Styrofoam at the party, styrofoam at church, styrofoam at the restaurant. Please don't tell my friends from Washington, they'd shriek in shock at the thought of these environmentally unfriendly cups.

Recycle bin at work? Nope. Recycle bin at the housing complex? Nope. Again, how are we not recycling in 2013?

Toilet seat covers are no where to be found, not in the grocery store or the public places or the private ones. I think you do this on purpose but I am not quite accustomed to your ways. I still find myself searching and coming up empty.

Also, I'm guessing you don't have any salmon swimming in your waters because you still pronounce it
sal mon. Here's a tip, the L is silent.

Even with all that, you are growing on me. I find myself surprised by my love for you, though it doesn't take much to pass up Longview. Hope we can come to an understanding on the points above (mostly your understanding, not mine).

Much love and Christmas cheer,

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I saw the sign

Down the road from our house lies a creepy, old, would never stay there motel. 

There is nothing special or noteworthy about it except for its sign. It's Dan's favorite. And I have to admit it is a little cute- the sign that is, not Dan's admiration of it, though he is pretty cute- but I digress. 

The motel calls itself  'Moon Winx' and the best part its sign winks at you if you are lucky enough to pass it during the dark hours. Creepy or cute? You decide.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas makings part two

Last month I scored several yards of green burlap and several yards of red fabric for $1 each at a church yard sale. Obviously these made it home with me and morphed their way into a craft. Several crafts in fact. Start practicing your surprised face now, you may be getting one for Christmas. Here is ours. It adds such joy and cheer to our fireplace. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas makings

Last year we found a killer tree stand at the Goodwill in Longview. It was red and sturdy and was a major bargain. We gave it away in the purge. We pawned (or tried to pawn) lots of goods off on our unsuspecting (maybe they did suspect) siblings; tree stand included. 

This year we started afresh so I am making a tree skirt. A million tutorials later I put one to action. My favorite tutorial, if you are looking for one, can be found here. 

Several pages of newspaper taped together. 17in circle

2 in for the circle around the tree 

And, voila! a custom tree skirt pattern. 

I'm not sure if you noticed in the photo above, but we have been experiencing a heat wave this week. Today was 80 degrees. After several weeks of temps in the 40s and 50s we welcomed the change but our coworkers have informed us that this is dangerous weather. Apparently unexpected warmth means tornado season. We were blissfully unaware. Now we are aware but we are still enjoying the warmth.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Look alike

Eastern Washington? Is that you? 

Nope, just the Florida panhandle. Could have fooled me. 

Even with this snow look alike which is really a good ol' southern cotton farm. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Craft Night

Christmas prep has begun! Actually, it began several weeks ago but today we decorated our newly bought tree, does that count as beginning? I think it does. Tonight's agenda, besides putting up the tree and lights, thanks Dan, was to make ornaments. 

Remember the 5th Grade? Yes, these are salt dough ornaments and yes my dear husband helped me paint them. 

On behalf of the Bama Nation we wish you happy Christmas prep. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Road Trip

We started off our Thanksgiving Weekend with icy windows...brrrr. 

We spent the morning driving through the lovely Georgia

And into the beautiful and sunny Florida

I'm beginning to see the appeal. Thanksgiving weekend warm (70's) and sunny, yes it was lovely. 

Our favorite part was celebrating with these folks and....

Stopping in here on the way home. Alabama is without any Trader Joe's so we had to take full advantage. 

Hope you had an excellent Thanksgiving too!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


We've been so busy around here I forgot to tell you the results of my red earth blog. It has been several weeks now, maybe you've forgotten. Do you need to refresh your memory?

Here are the results:

1. Alabama
2. Burundi
3. Malawi
4. Malawi
5. Nigeria
6. Alabama

Did you guess correctly?

We've been busy making friends, going to cookouts and small groups (even ones with people our own age) and busy with work. I begin week three of my new job on Monday. Working full time has brought enlightenment into my world. I have a new appreciation for all those 8-5 employees around the states. How do you do it? Yes, I wanted to work. Yes, I wanted a job with pay but what I'm learning is that if you choose those things then laundry, cooking a decent meal at a decent hour, and general sanity around the house gets put to the back burner. 

How do you do it?

Alabama news: the football team continues its record of being undefeated this season. 
The temperature continues to drop at night but, this is the best part, the sun comes out in the afternoon, warming my back during my lunch break with my husband. Another perk of working at the same organization. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


It started with a funky piece of furniture from a church yard sale. I mean really what is this for or from? Whatever it is or was I bought it for $1. 

Took it home an painted it and voila! a great accessory in our guest bath.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


We've been greeted while in Sam's Club, walking down the street, by coworkers and even when I receive email from work. If you're wondering what we're talking about check out this commercial.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Short and Sweet

This weekend the McCurrys came for a visit. It was short, but very sweet to see them. 
Jake drove from IN and Kevin and Joanne from WA. Of course first on the list was to clothe them with clothes from the BAMA nation. 

Kevin and Joanne left this morning with the truck we borrowed in July, remember that? 
Goodbye truck, you have been oh so helpful.

But before they left we had to partake in the south's famous fried chicken and BBQ in preparation for the BAMA vs LSU game.  

You can't help but get into the spirit of things. We took them to the Elephant Stomp. The band, cheerleaders and drill team wind up the crowd before releasing the troops to the stadium. 

This is a bit dark but the sound is spot on. Imagine a lawn full of dedicated fans preparing for their pilgrimage to the stadium....have you caught the spirit yet? Roll Tide.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The war wages on

We've heard it said you are born waving one flag or the other. 

If you have 50 minutes and would like to see what we see we recommend you take the time to watch this film. (Special thank you to Netflix and ESPN)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Take a guess

The red earth here reminds me of somewhere else. Somewhere far away, somewhere hot and humid. Somewhere that also meant a time of new discovery, of growth and challenge. Somewhere, just not here. 

Driving around Alabama comes with the added thrill of reminders; memories of lunches on the ground, long drives on crazy roads and long sessions of choirs singing. 

It's easy to forget but when I spot the red earth I am transported. 

Number 1

Number 2

Two of these things are not like the others. 
Can you tell which ones don't belong?

Bonus points if you can name the location of these pictures. 

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lake Lurleen

What's the best way to eat Dan's homemade hummus? 

Preferably at a lake while enjoying the sunshine

Paired with a walk around the lake. 

The day can't get much better.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Who doesn't love fall?
 It's beginning to cool down here; dropping into the 30s at night at warming to the mid 70s by 3pm. 
For two people who aren't very fond of snow, freezing, winter or cold the warm afternoons are a great source of joy. We (or maybe I should say I) froze to my seat during Friday's soccer game but Sunday afternoon, in true Alabama style, we both got sunburned after a few hours outside. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

......Open the doors, see all the people

Here is the church,

Here is the steeple,

P.S. Here is where the Southern Baptist Convention Began