Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One Year Old

One year ago I was bursting at the seams, dying to tell you about our new job and move to the south. We decided to wait until we were sure we were moving and until we had notified our previous employer. No employer should find out you're leaving your job via your blog, but I'm sure you already knew that. So with great joy I began to write. It became routine and therapeutic to put down my thoughts and I so love to hear your feedback. 

You've been faithful readers, I appreciate that. It's always helpful to know that my ideas are interesting to you too.
If you haven't guessed already today is the one year anniversary of our (read the royal we, Dan is very helpful for grammatical checks and spelling assistance) blog, Happy Birthday Blog!

If you've been reading for a year, happy anniversary to you too.  Let's recount the year, shall we?

We have readers from across the world, some countries I know people who live there and some I don't, we have readers from Japan, South Korea and the UK, to name a few.

You've been with us as we quit our jobs, packed up our apartment and drove cross country. You were with us when our car cars had trouble and you watched as we discovered the South. It has been an experience; interesting, difficult, and exciting experience. Thanks for coming along!

A big shout out to our most popular post Bow to your partner. I think it must be the title?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Alien Invasion and Unidentified Objects

So we signed up for this CSA, which we love; mostly. We love that we get fresh greens each week, and I do mean fresh, not grown with chemicals or made to ripen with strange fumes. 

Bonus: We are swimming in salad greens and strawberries, who doesn't love a fresh salad? If you are looking for ideas ask us, we've made 7 different kinds this week, yes 7, one for every day of the week. I told you people we were SWIMMING in greens. 

But, what I'm discovering about the CSA is that although we have fresh produce weekly we also have fresh produce weekly that we didn't select and I'm finding myself in uncharted territory. Lovers of vegetables please HELP! I know you are probably far more cultured than I and have eaten these things before but I haven't cooked or tasted many of the items we are being given, in fact I can't even identify many of this weeks goods.

I'm pretty sure this is Swiss Chard, but what do you do with it?

 I am a recent convert. Yes, I had many microwave timers set for me as a child as I was forced  encouraged to eat my green beans. Now that I'm a believer I'm pretty sure I missed out on vegetable 101. 

Enter you, yes, you the reader. Can you identify this week's goodies? Can you suggest recipes or tips on how to cook? Or, will we be left to the alien invasion that seems to be threatening our kitchen?

PS I think this could totally pass as some kind of spaceship, hence the alien reference. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Our First

Our first Southern Wedding, how do we look?

Our first go at a Southern Wedding went without a hitch. It was lovely. Dan's favorite part was the buffet including eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, gravy, waffles and egg casserole with grits. Can't get much more Southern than that. 

A highlight of the afternoon was a performance by former Crimsonettes. 
You can thank Dan for the video.