Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A little of this and a little of that

It's happened, we have become more than just a face to the man at the liquor store but not for the reason you think. Liquors stores have great boxes, we (the royal we- it was really Dan) made our third trip this week with plans to return tomorrow.  Looking for small sturdy boxes? Look no further, some even come with handy slots for your drinking glasses. Also on the recycle route, think another man's trash is another man's treasure, is Ross offering new boxes every morning.

We downgraded to 'camping gear' last week. Two pans, one pot, a few good knives the rest is plastics and paper. Thank you Red Solo Cup.

Our pile of boxes is beginning to grow and grow- out from the dinning room into the living room but at least it's packed, right?

Biggest surprise of the week is that our work is having a going away social for us.( Dan and I work out of the same office.) I feel pretty special because I've seen people come and go and not get a 'party' AND because for the better part of the first three months this job created quite a bit of anxiety for me. Being new and all that entails offered a steep learning curve and there were many nights where I was sure I was on the 'wish we wouldn't have hired' list. But to my surprise we are having a shindig tomorrow with our coworkers- if only the Stephanie of January could have seen what's happening now. I can just hear my father's voice in the back of my head as he tells me to log this experience in my mind for future occasions when I fall back into worry.

We have big plans tomorrow to pack the car, clean the joint and hopefully be ready to split come Friday. We appreciate any and all prayers, if you're looking to be specific we need strength to load and clean and drive and say 'goodbye'.

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