Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Little Red

We're selling my car when me make the trek to the land of Dixie. I'm about to get a little sappy.....this last year I got married. Marriage has been a great adventure but at the start of our marriage I found myself in a new town, making new friends, finding a new church, shopping at a new grocery store, living in a new house and working at a new job. Did you catch all the NEW. There was one teary night when I just couldn't handle any more NEW and I found myself really thankful for my car, it wasn't new at all. We've been on many trips together, my brother has borrowed it, my dad has borrowed it. It welcomed me back from Africa many times. We've spun out in the snow together. I've taken it to camp and to college and to visit my then fiancee. We've been hit by a deer together and listened to loud music together. My brother and sister in law have driven this car before and would probably disagree with my respect and attachment to said car but I would disagree with them. Yes, it's not the best or the coolest, but it runs well and its not NEW! I'm thankful that it was consistent to my pre and post married life. But now we are leaving. Goodbye little red car-you've been faithful. On to the next season of new. 

1 comment:

  1. I love it, and I for one am very excited you're headed to the south! You'll be about 1,500 miles closer to us now!!! And I have family in Georgia that needs to meet our little man so maybe we'll actually get to see each other in the next year! Josh and I will be praying for this transition. We're excited to be updated on the adventures you'll have together! Is it job related that you're moving? Many prayers for you two and your families as they adjust to the distance too.
    -Michelle K.
