Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mardi Gras

What happens when you visit New Orleans the weekend after Fat Tuesday? We did miss all the parades and the chaos that goes along with them but we did get to see the aftermath. 

Maybe someday we'll go for the actual event but for now a few days after was good enough for us.

We did get to ride in the streetcar on the parade route, does that count?


  1. Thats pretty crazy. Did you try any yummy food while you were there? I'm picturing jambalaya of some sort? What do you think they do with all those beads? Someone should totally start collecting them, washing them off and reselling them for the next year. :)

  2. I"ve heard that there is a group that gathers ups the discarded beads and recycles them for the next year. We did have pralines. WHich are some kind of sugary pecan treat
