Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas makings

Last year we found a killer tree stand at the Goodwill in Longview. It was red and sturdy and was a major bargain. We gave it away in the purge. We pawned (or tried to pawn) lots of goods off on our unsuspecting (maybe they did suspect) siblings; tree stand included. 

This year we started afresh so I am making a tree skirt. A million tutorials later I put one to action. My favorite tutorial, if you are looking for one, can be found here. 

Several pages of newspaper taped together. 17in circle

2 in for the circle around the tree 

And, voila! a custom tree skirt pattern. 

I'm not sure if you noticed in the photo above, but we have been experiencing a heat wave this week. Today was 80 degrees. After several weeks of temps in the 40s and 50s we welcomed the change but our coworkers have informed us that this is dangerous weather. Apparently unexpected warmth means tornado season. We were blissfully unaware. Now we are aware but we are still enjoying the warmth.

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