Saturday, December 14, 2013


Dear South,

Recently I listened to an Ennegram seminar and have decided you are a number 7. 7s love to have fun, they are the life of the party; sometimes to their own destruction and most often to the point of denial. We love to have a good time with you but wish you would expand your horizons....just a bit.

Styrofoam at the party, styrofoam at church, styrofoam at the restaurant. Please don't tell my friends from Washington, they'd shriek in shock at the thought of these environmentally unfriendly cups.

Recycle bin at work? Nope. Recycle bin at the housing complex? Nope. Again, how are we not recycling in 2013?

Toilet seat covers are no where to be found, not in the grocery store or the public places or the private ones. I think you do this on purpose but I am not quite accustomed to your ways. I still find myself searching and coming up empty.

Also, I'm guessing you don't have any salmon swimming in your waters because you still pronounce it
sal mon. Here's a tip, the L is silent.

Even with all that, you are growing on me. I find myself surprised by my love for you, though it doesn't take much to pass up Longview. Hope we can come to an understanding on the points above (mostly your understanding, not mine).

Much love and Christmas cheer,

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