Friday, September 26, 2014

22 weeks

Well baby, you are 22 weeks old now. I've gone from being slightly aware of you to now very aware. It seems like last week you decided to move and kick way more than ever before (that may seem obvious but it's still very cool to experience). I've been asking you to kick hard enough for daddy to feel and like the good, obedient first born you are, you responded. On Sunday, dad got to feel you kick for the first time. But you can be a trickster sometimes, just when you are moving and squirming and he puts his hand to feel, you stop. Baby, this is not hide and seek. 

I swear the bump looks bigger in person. 
This week you've gained 3 oz, that's a lot when you are so tiny to begin with. They tell me you are the size of a spaghetti squash, only way better looking I'm sure. We love you precious one. We pray for you all the time and know life wouldn't be the same if you were to leave.


  1. Wee!! I love that you can feel the little baby moving around now.

  2. You are mom now. That love doesn't stop, no matter what! She is part of your life and nothing can change that!!!
    Love you, thanks for sharing with us!
