Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring has sprung

Thankfully, we don't have a very long winter to sit though, nevertheless, I've been itching for Spring; for some fresh dirt, some bloomin' trees and warmer weather. It's official it has arrived! Spring for us means a break from school, trees blooming end of Feburary/beginning of March: shouting loudly "I'm here". There are still many vines and trees that lie sleeping but the hope of more is present, mmm new life!

Since we have a break from routine we are soaking up the warm weather with lots of time outside, dining alfresco, Dan's favorite. 

We've also spruced up our trees out back and planted a small garden. These last four years I've been planting in containers; fun, but not nearly as fun as planting in the ground. I've been salivating for some space to make my own. Today we broke ground. 

These next few months are some of my favorite in Tuscaloosa, warm and sunny minus the humidity. We've taken it upon ourselves to soak it up before May marches in with scorching, humid days. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy you get to do some gardening! I have been itching to get into the dirt with new plants too. And I loved perusing through your categories on the side, especially the craftsy one.
