You are almost there kid! Such an exciting milestone to be one year old. However, let us not forget the feat of turning 11 months old, which is also very exciting.
You are making lots of connections, using more sign language, reaching when you want to be held, babbling and also bringing me sisters hair ties and bows then placing them on your head. I of course am happy to indulge any girl of mine who wants hair accessories.
You are into EVERYthing. Your favorite sources of mischief: dad's nightstand, mom's purse and everyone's favorite: the stairs. One of these days I'm gonna put a bell on the bottom step so we know that you've scaled the barriers.
You are taking an interest in books, turning pages as well as ripping and eating them. Your only real frustration is when you want something but I make you sign for it first, I don't know where you get that stubborn streak from (I'll wink my eye for your benefit).
You aren't quite as interested in walking as I'd like you to be. You will walk assisted, which is so precious to see you and sister walk across the yard hand in hand, but you are destroying your pants crawling around the patio so anytime you'd like to give it a go, really any time, you have my full blessing.
Beautiful girl, you cut your first molar this month, are continuing to sleep for 8ish hours uninterrupted, eating an all table food diet and play so nicely with your sister. You are my favorite Evangeline, loves to you!
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