Monday, November 2, 2015


Finally after much blood, sweat and tears (yes, there were all three) we finished our makeover on these chairs. My advice to you: don't pick a project with arms for your first upholstery project, maybe not even your second either. Though we survived, I don't think I'll put re-upholstery on the docket anytime soon. 

This chair was the first of the pair to be completed. Just as we were finishing this one up someone learned to crawl. Moving the second chair upstairs became essential for safety and sanity reasons and well, you know, out of sight, out of mind. Two months later the project had still not been completed. But with visitors on the horizon we hunkered down and made ourselves (yes made, what did I tell you about sweat and tears?) finish the second chair. 

A little self discipline goes a long way. Several days later and ta-da, I present to you chair number two, finally!

Now all we need are a couple of visitors.

This is a before shot, note the less than stellar fabric that led us down this renovation journey. I guess in my eagerness to remove said fabric I forgot to take a full chair shot but you get the "picture"; hideous. 

1 comment:

  1. Those chairs look gorgeous! I hope you're enjoying them. :)
