Monday, November 30, 2015

Chattanooga remix

Last time we were in Chattanooga we were 18 weeks pregnant. This time was very different, more work but also more exciting! We celebrated Thanksgiving here at home but spend our Holiday Weekend soaking in the city, sometimes it's good to be a tourist. 

Our days were filled with boat rides on the Tennessee River.

These two experienced their first train ride.

And lots of moments where I swear I'm looking at Dan's photos from 1985.

We love Chattanooga, if we ever have to move here you'll hear no complaint from me. Ever been to Portland, Oregon? This city has that feel, only in the South so not quite as bold as the real Portland but still trendy, hipster, and environmentally aware.

I'm pretty sure you could eat out at a different place every night of the year and still have places left undiscovered. Did you know that you can ride electric busses that run through town for free? What's free in 2015? They also have recycling bins throughout town, does that give you warm, fuzzy feelings? 

Most of the time I feel like we stick out, maybe not like a sore thumb but we most certainly don't fit into most of what's "normal" here but I'm pretty sure we'd find a place to belong in Chattanooga, maybe you would too.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

9 Months

As we all know, a lot can and has happened in nine months. Baby, today you are nine months old. We've had so much fun with you this last month. You've started laughing to engage us, and others- a skill that spreads smiles everywhere we go. (gulp) I think you are an extrovert, which makes your introvert mother a little nervous. You squeal and laugh to engage and not surprisingly people look to us and....engage with us. (sigh) So much for my wallflower existence.

Last week at the library during mommy and me sing time you spent the entire song time without me. That's right, while all the other babes stayed close to mom and did motions with her you made your rounds seeing who you could pal around with. I guess coming to sing time doesn't always imply that I'm going to be singing WITH you, maybe just AROUND you (wink, wink). Don't get the wrong impression, I love who you are, and love that you love people. You are so much like your father both in actions and in looks. This is your father below, tell me you aren't the female version of him?

Everywhere we go people ask who you take after, I think they are just being polite. There is no denying you are your father's daughter, you are family; and that I love!

This month you are learning to stand, you've almost passed 30 seconds on your own. Are you trying to walk soon? You're on the right track. You are also the proud owner of two new teeth, totalling seven now, congrats! My favorite thing you've learned (maybe this won't be a favorite for long) is when you crawl away from us in laughter. Like when the dishwasher is open- I've never seen you crawl so fast, you let out a squeal of pure delight and know you are being tracked. I really love playing with you. Promise you'll obey though when the time comes (I can hear all the seasoned parents laughing at me now).

Happy November and Happy 9 months!

Daniel and Isabel both at 9 months. 

Monday, November 2, 2015


Finally after much blood, sweat and tears (yes, there were all three) we finished our makeover on these chairs. My advice to you: don't pick a project with arms for your first upholstery project, maybe not even your second either. Though we survived, I don't think I'll put re-upholstery on the docket anytime soon. 

This chair was the first of the pair to be completed. Just as we were finishing this one up someone learned to crawl. Moving the second chair upstairs became essential for safety and sanity reasons and well, you know, out of sight, out of mind. Two months later the project had still not been completed. But with visitors on the horizon we hunkered down and made ourselves (yes made, what did I tell you about sweat and tears?) finish the second chair. 

A little self discipline goes a long way. Several days later and ta-da, I present to you chair number two, finally!

Now all we need are a couple of visitors.

This is a before shot, note the less than stellar fabric that led us down this renovation journey. I guess in my eagerness to remove said fabric I forgot to take a full chair shot but you get the "picture"; hideous.