The UA has a surplus sale once or twice a month. They auction tons of stuff; cars, chain link fence, printers, desks, dryers, etc. We went to the surplus garage a couple of weeks ago hoping to find a treasure. We submitted our sealed bit and waited, hoping we would top all the others. We bid on two storage cabinets and a media cabinet.
I knew I could find a desk on CL for about $40 but that was more than I wanted to spend. We bid $15.84 for three items. We received a call this week that the items were ours! Thank you again in-laws for the use of your truck. We lugged the items home, and I set to work making them 'belong'. Three was more than we needed so I listed and sold the third for $20. That's right we made a $4 profit on our bid and got some really snazzy treasures.
Snazzy treasure #1 |
Snazzy treasure #2
(the cabinet we sold was the twin of this guy)
What great lookiing furniture you find and a good idea that the school auctions these things off instead of storing them. Joanne