Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One Month Photographs

Photo Credit to Caroline Espy

Evie girl, You are looking more like a Harris with each passing day. Don't worry I still see some McCurry in you too. 

Your sister loves you passionately, almost too passionately sometimes.

Most days you can sleep through anything but the trick to waking you up is to put you down, big stretches upon waking up.

See what I mean, this has Harris written all over it I think.

Dad's scheduled changed recently and we love having more of him in the morning to manage the chaos of getting everyone ready. He also loves you passionately, and cares for you deeply. 

We are so thrilled to have you, happy and healthy. Lots of love kiddo.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

One month- Evangeline

There are times when I swear that I'm looking at pictures of little Danny, and other moments when your Harris genes shine through. I guess that makes sense, since you are a mixture of both and yet uniquely you! 

I'm having a hard time remembering how to put a newborn to sleep, you really love to be held, sleeping best when someone is near you and so I find we hold you a lot while you are sleeping, something I think will change since we no longer have relatives in town. Thankfully you are only one month old and still teachable. Holding you can sometimes stress me out cause nothing else gets done in the house but as your grandmother has advised me "don't miss this".

After five weeks of visitors we now find ourselves alone, just the four of us. It is oddly quite at times and yet necessary as we figure out our own rhythm and schedule. 

Our plans for next year are still flexible, still undecided. A little like you I guess, what will you be like? What will the future be for you my girl? One thing we are sure of is that you look VERY much like your sister when she was your age, very much related and yet uniquely you. 
As we focus on "not missing this" know that we love you girl and are so glad you are around!

Isabel at one month