Meet our girl, one week old today. We love every ounce of her 8lbs 3oz. So far she is a great sleeper, and several mornings her sister has even slept in, an oh so helpful bonus for those of us in recovery!
We are thankful to have "mimi" Harris here with us as we- or I- transition out of the postpartum fog and begin to feel more and more human with each passing day.
Baby E looks so much like her big sister, sometimes I have to remind myself this is the second child and not my first, her twin-wink, wink.
I'm trying hard not to wish these weeks away, I'd love to skip the rough patches of postpartum hormones, interrupted sleep and sprinkles of sibling jealousy. But parenting has taught me that she won't always be this little, we won't always feel this "rub" this "new", after all births are hard, as are beginnings. So for now while we search for our rhythm, our new normal, I'll press through the moments that are sandwiched in between loads of snuggles and family time, coos and newborn sleepiness; my new daughter.