Tuesday, December 5, 2017

8 Months- E

Evangeline, Happy 8 months! I'm not sure if it's because Dad and I know a little more this go round or if you are worlds apart from your sister but there is so much about you that seems relaxed, laid back and easy going. 

Easy going but also growing quickly. You can climb the stairs now, and the fireplace hearth, discoveries we made as we heard you several stairs up- whoops. You can now say "dada" and "mama". I think for your next trick you should try "bell" or something to that effect. 

You have six teeth now and are eating most of what we do. 
Your sister is your greatest source of entertainment, thankfully she just can't seem to get enough of you either. I think you'll make great play mates when you're older. 

We are still honing your sleeping skills. If you are anything like your sister it's a skill, I'm sorry to say, that will take many more moons to perfect. Good thing we love you so. Here's to another month of exploration and curiosity. 

If you knew I was writing this you could impress us with you're waving skills, also learned this month, "bye-bye".

Friday, November 10, 2017

7 months-E

Happy 7 months sweet child of mine. In honor of you, 7 words for 7 months. 

Curious. Joyful. Relaxed

Content. Growing

Sweet. Clever

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Six months-E

Happy half birthday sister! Today is Dad's birthday too, 33 years today. You have many years until you'll be 33 but you are growing in your own way. You have learned to sit up, obviously (see photo above) and have started crawling. For a few weeks you were just crawling in the living room but this week you've started to explore the bottom floor of the house, I was really hoping you'd wait a little bit longer. Isn't 5 months a bit early to start crawling. 

As you've upped you're game so have the rest of us, hiding shoes and cords and all manner or valuable possessions-please read library books-agrh! 

You are so curious about everything, the shadows on the curtains, the noises from your sister, the feel of something in your mouth. I guess 'tis the season for exploring. 

You're sister is having a hard time adjusting, especially this month. Perhaps it's due in part to your new mobility and need for supervision. Nevertheless, she is struggling and taking it out on you I'm sorry to say. I hope you can bear with her. My hope is that one day you'll come to respect and even appreciate one another. That might be many years to come but for now we are doing our best to teach her to handle you with love and care. 

It's not always a bad thing when the two of you nap back to back. Sure, I'd love a rest too but for you're sake, and for hers, I think it best to have some one on one time with mama every so often and even a much needed break from each other. May we cultivate a love for solitude in you!

Kisses, your introverted mama. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let's hear it for the boys

Hospitality, how I wish I offered it more. In the current Magnolia Journal there is a whole spread dedicated to opening up your home, throwing down some soup and calling up your friends. Said article is currently hanging on my cork board, and each time I pass it I brainstorm a way we could make it happen. I yearn for it, for space enough to have folks over. We currently maximize all of our 1,200 square feet and I just couldn't envision another family of 4 dropping in for an evening of fun, scratch that chaos that would be a meal at our house. 

I've been lamenting over our current situation this week, lusting after a larger living room, a larger dining room with a table big enough for friends. But as one of our international friends left our house tonight, this blog post came to mind. While I don't have space to feed another family for dinner or host our small group we have had and continue to have space for "the boys". We affectionately call them "boys" because most have been 18-20 years of age. 

We've hosted three different groups of students during our years in Tuscaloosa, this year included. First from Brazil, Germany and Austria and now India. It's been our pleasure to offer meals, games, dessert, and hangouts around town to our guests. 

The great thing about "our boys" is that they're relaxed. They don't mind that my house isn't immaculate, or that my oven and now my house are smoking from the spilled contents or that my children are children in our home. And for that I'm so grateful. This thing I have been lusting after, this opportunity to open our home and provide a meal hasn't come in the most traditional form but it has come nonetheless so let's hear if for the boys. Thank you for coming!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Five months- E

It was more than a little tricky taking your photos today, you are on the move and curious about everything, including today's picture frame. What doesn't go in your mouth? 

Milestone markers include: 
sleeping long stretches, some 12 hrs, bless you!

sleeping through a loud roommate; crying, shouting, climbing out of bed- again bless you! I'm sure this skill with come in handy somewhere down the line as well as now

sampling avocado and sweet potato

trips to both Alaska and Washington

two teeth

rocking on all 4s and moving to a sitting position

So thankful for the joy you bring and the reminder you give me to just roll with it, be it a rambunctious sister, a jet setting father or a sleep deprived mother you are up for it all, all while keeping your cool, thanks little one. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Three Months-E

In June you shared your first laugh with us, slept through the night for the second half of the month and took your first flight to Orlando, Florida. You are talking so much, I love when you engage and try to get our attention. My favorite is when your toys are very close to your face as you sit in your chair, you just chat it up girl!

I see a lot of Harris in this photo by maybe I'm just reading into things. 

This month will be marked by travel to Washington, 'cause no matter where I roam, Washington is our home. So get ready for 6 weeks, 5 different houses, 4 flights, 3 weddings, 2 sets of grandparents and a partridge in a pear tree. But really, it's gonna be great. With loads of time outside sans humidity and even a side trip to Alaska we can't wait to introduce you to Washington and all the folks we love there. They're gonna love you! 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Two months- E

Poop. This month has been marked by so much poop. To be fair it hasn't all been yours. We are in the midst of toilet training your sister, (she's doing awesome by the way) so between her accidents and your normal newborn behavior (read loads of spit up and poop) I've been doing more laundry than ever. Good thing I kinda like laundry- twisted I know.

Your sister and I got a pool membership this month, both to keep cool and to give us some much needed one on one time. So lucky you, you get some one on one time too, but with Dad.  I'm sure he's been taking great care of you. He pulled out his guitar from storage this week so maybe you'll have a few afternoon jam sessions while we're away. 

You've been sleeping and eating like a champ, even respecting the designated "nap time" and letting me have a couple hours kid free each day- thank you for that! You've acquired an extra chin this month coming in at a whopping 13lbs 10oz. 

You've been cooing and smiling non-stop, even preferring it to eating sometimes. Isabel loves when you start "talking" to us and, of course, we love it too. You have a great smile. 

We drag you along almost everywhere, you have a very busy social calendar my girl. Thanks for being so flexible. You make being an mother of two enjoyable (I was gonna say easy but let's be real). Love ya' kid!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One Month Photographs

Photo Credit to Caroline Espy

Evie girl, You are looking more like a Harris with each passing day. Don't worry I still see some McCurry in you too. 

Your sister loves you passionately, almost too passionately sometimes.

Most days you can sleep through anything but the trick to waking you up is to put you down, big stretches upon waking up.

See what I mean, this has Harris written all over it I think.

Dad's scheduled changed recently and we love having more of him in the morning to manage the chaos of getting everyone ready. He also loves you passionately, and cares for you deeply. 

We are so thrilled to have you, happy and healthy. Lots of love kiddo.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

One month- Evangeline

There are times when I swear that I'm looking at pictures of little Danny, and other moments when your Harris genes shine through. I guess that makes sense, since you are a mixture of both and yet uniquely you! 

I'm having a hard time remembering how to put a newborn to sleep, you really love to be held, sleeping best when someone is near you and so I find we hold you a lot while you are sleeping, something I think will change since we no longer have relatives in town. Thankfully you are only one month old and still teachable. Holding you can sometimes stress me out cause nothing else gets done in the house but as your grandmother has advised me "don't miss this".

After five weeks of visitors we now find ourselves alone, just the four of us. It is oddly quite at times and yet necessary as we figure out our own rhythm and schedule. 

Our plans for next year are still flexible, still undecided. A little like you I guess, what will you be like? What will the future be for you my girl? One thing we are sure of is that you look VERY much like your sister when she was your age, very much related and yet uniquely you. 
As we focus on "not missing this" know that we love you girl and are so glad you are around!

Isabel at one month

Monday, April 10, 2017

One week-E

Meet our girl, one week old today. We love every ounce of her 8lbs 3oz. So far she is a great sleeper, and several mornings her sister has even slept in, an oh so helpful bonus for those of us in recovery!

We are thankful to have "mimi" Harris here with us as we- or I- transition out of the postpartum fog and begin to feel more and more human with each passing day. 

Baby E looks so much like her big sister, sometimes I have to remind myself this is the second child and not my first, her twin-wink, wink. 

I'm trying hard not to wish these weeks away, I'd love to skip the rough patches of postpartum hormones, interrupted sleep and sprinkles of sibling jealousy. But parenting has taught me that she won't always be this little, we won't always feel this "rub" this "new", after all births are hard, as are beginnings. So for now while we search for our rhythm, our new normal, I'll press through the moments that are sandwiched in between loads of snuggles and family time, coos and newborn sleepiness; my new daughter. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

37 Weeks, second go round

Well girl, I tried, I really did. We took photos outside and inside, days apart even and no matter which way you slice it or dice it I still end up looking very pregnant and I'm afraid, very tired. No use denying it I guess but the exhausted and uncomfortable look is not my favorite.
Please come soon-ish.

We chose a name for you, in honor of it being March (the month of your due date) and all, we decided it best time and I love it! I hope you love it too. We have family and friends lined up to help when you arrive and you have a sister who is anxiously awaiting your arrival. I'm glad you'll be arriving in the spring. We didn't really plan it that way but there is so much joy in the arrival of spring. New life, colors and warmth. How fun to have a birthday during this season of new growth. 

At least that's what March looks like in Alabama. Plenty of states still have snow, but we won't go into that. Instead we are relishing in the days of trees blooming, light jackets and plenty of afternoons in the backyard. 

Happy spring and happy birth month (hint, hint).