We are weeks away from having a one year old. Ready or not, here she comes!
We spent the majority of this last month in Washington celebrating the Holidays with family. You are such a trooper; considering all the different people we spent time with. I know you prefer to be with me (who doesn't) so the only way we could get you to spread the love to others was for me to leave the room, or house. We may have to work on that skill in the coming weeks, but I know they loved having you around, near or far from me.
You are cutting three molars now, we are all feeling the pain and discomfort, you more than us I'm guessing.
You can now say uh-oh, wave bye bye, point your finger as a greeting and most everything has the label of dada. I'm sure you haven't forgotten about mama right?
You've taken a total of 10 steps in a row but still aren't "walking". I'm thankful for that and would encourage you to take your time. No sense in rushing things, there will be plenty of time for that later, just enjoy being 11 months for now. Much love, dada and mama.