Saturday, October 3, 2015


Happy 4th, October 4th that is. Today Isabel turns 8 months and Dan turns 372 months. 
Happy Birthday Dan, day after day I'm thankful for you!

No one could love our girl like you do. 
Thank you for being so patient and kind with us, here's to another year full of adventure.

In other news, precious girl is 8 months old today! 

We have moved into full baby proofing mode, challenging both my sanity and housekeeping skills. Nevertheless we love her to pieces and find her joy and discovery of the world contagious. 

This last month we've experienced babe's first autumn and first tailgate (wink) along with babbling, pulling up on....everything and the addition of three more teeth. We've been busy. 

Here is to another month full of adventure baby!