Saturday, September 26, 2015


One of my favorite things about Alabama is something is always in bloom, even in September. 

This one is right outside our kitchen window!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Seven Months

How does that saying go? The days are long but the years go quickly, or in our case the months. There are some days where I can't wait for 7:30 (bedtime) to come but then how can it be September already? 

We've been busy, some of us busier than others. Some of us learned to crawl this month. I've put in a request for one milestone at a time but I have a feeling it was denied as we have learned to crawl, are babbling in consonants, pulling up to our knees and have cut our top two teeth. Impressive and overwhelming. What happened to takin' it easy on mom?

Told you we've been crawling, under and through, around and thankfully not yet on top of anything....yet.

Dan has a sneaky grin on his face as this is a rare moment in our house. Baby is not a fan of being held or cuddled like, well, a baby, except of course when she is suffering from teething pain. Dan is taking full advantage.

Mom and dad are still in shock over all the changes that have taken place this month. Happy seven months kiddo. Thanks for keeping things interesting.