Saturday, January 31, 2015

40 weeks

Happy 40 weeks baby girl! Well, really 40 weeks and some days. We are quickly approaching the finish line, at least we keep thinking, and you keep surprising us with how long you're camping out in there. I promise we are not scary people but maybe you just need more time to marinate. Perhaps this is a telling sign of your personality, I too dislike being told what to do, being kept to a timeline and doing what people expect, so I'll be the first to say, you go girl! You show 'em who's boss. We'll keep right on supporting you. 

The doctor and I agreed yesterday that we would check things out again on Monday before setting an date to induce. 'Cause really, who likes to be rushed? Instead we are praying for progress and trusting that the Lord has a plan for this part of the process, we know he wouldn't leave us now!

We, yes your dad is a little anxious to meet you too, were happy to hear that there has been some change in my body from last week to yesterday. Your stats are still 'textbook perfect' as the doctor said and things are "happening", just a little slower than I imagined. But again, we trust you and my body and most of all the Lord to bring you about all in good time. See you soon precious one!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Week 39

Okay baby girl, I'd say we are almost ready. Of course you are welcome to come anytime, but only a few details remain. I'm thinking though that this is one of those events where we won't be finished getting ready 'till you come and then ready or not you'll be here. 

We took our last class at the hospital on Friday, picked up some crib sheets and tried to make sense of your room. I'm thinking there will be many things we'll have to figure out as we go. Your Uncle Brad once told us that a lot of marriage is "on the job training", I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say the same goes with parenting. Take it from two oldest children, being a guinea pig isn't as bad as it may seem. 

Here is your room so far, what do you think?

Cozy bed all ready for you, sans cozy blankets: 'cause you know, THEY have rules about that. 
Changing table and all your cute little clothes, did you know they make jeggings for people your size too?
This one is from my travels in Malawi but I thought I would share it with you. I hope you'll learn to love hand made things too.

Your current digs are about to become a thing of the past. I've enjoyed your stay but am of course looking forward to seeing you in person: you know, face to face. We hope you are excited too. We don't want to rush you or anything but there are a lot of anxious folks on the other side asking about you, ready to meet you and shower you with love. Best of luck babe, see you soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

What did you do with your Saturday?

This season has brought new questions and scenarios I didn't really care much about before. But now I care, I care deeply. Yes, I am concerned for our environment but I'm sorry to say I care more for our household budget. I know; shallow. Feel free to judge. 

Our family likes to joke that as two first born children (Dan and I are both first born) we are perhaps a little more organized than some, a little more methodical in our choices maybe. They are probably right, but we just don't know any other way. For example: This week we did a cost benefit analysis of cloth diapers vs. disposable. I thought I was sold on cloth diapers. I had all the supplies picked out and put on my baby registry. I told friends and family of our choice and was sure we could make it work. I'm sure we could have but at the price of who's sanity? 

Anyway, after our cost benefit analysis we learned that disposable diapers are almost equal to cloth (gasp). I too was shocked. The little bit we would save would be paid for in laundry and time, my time, my precious new mom time. So we said no thanks to that idea and began our quest.

Mmmmmm, rewards points 
One thing I love about Dan is that he loves a good deal as much as I do. Why pay full price when you could buy on clearance or at the thrift store and don't forget our shared love of garage sales? I get excited just thinking about it, oh to save money! Did you know we've flown cross country several times and have yet to pay cash for a ticket. Why? Because Dan loves to play the savings game. He has found all sorts of credit card deals that offer airlines points and rewards points that have allowed us to fly home for.....FREE! See why I love him? (disclaimer: don't play the game unless you can pay off your credit card, we don't advocate for going into debt just to visit WA)

I knew we could do disposable when I heard Dan getting excited about coupon websites, store apps and super sales. We decided our 'sweet spot' would be .16 cents a diaper. Get it sweet 16. We wouldn't pay anything more. But today.....Dan found us an even better deal at .08 cents a diaper! Killer right? So how did you spend your Saturday? We spent ours trekking from one CVS to the next cleaning out their supply of size one and two diapers, 'cause really who doesn't love a good deal?

What we've learned is that drug stores often have the best deals. I wasn't a believer before but I'm now convinced. 

Our stockpile, ready for babe. So your kid might have to wear Santa diapers in May but really....who cares? 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let the countdown begin

Happy New Year! I wonder what this New Year holds for you? For us, it will be a baby, a new job; a really good job mind you and some big adjustments. Depending on who you talk to this adjustment can be good or not so good. Often it's the seasoned women, the women who longs for the time when her kiddos were small, the mama who wishes she could travel back in time, it's that mama that tells me motherhood is a joy, that children are a pleasure and smiles sweetly when I tell her it's a girl. 

There is also the mama with the small children, the tired mama, and dare we say frazzled and overwhelmed; this is the mama that makes me nervous, 'cause when I tell her I'm staying home or that I have no family here or even that it's our first she gives me a half grin and says with a sigh "well it's an adjustment." 

Side note: This is a request from all first time mamas: just humor me! Give me the good stuff, smile sweetly and tell me what a joy its going to be. I'd much prefer to hear this story than the one about exhaustion, and frustration. I'm thinking there will be a little of both, joy and exhaustion, but let's hope the joy outweighs the exhaustion. 

We are counting down the days now, just 25 until her due date.  We've grown so much and are looking forward to the new year, both the exhaustion and the joy!