This season has brought new questions and scenarios I didn't really care much about before. But now I care, I care deeply. Yes, I am concerned for our environment but I'm sorry to say I care more for our household budget. I know; shallow. Feel free to judge.
Our family likes to joke that as two first born children (Dan and I are both first born) we are perhaps a little more organized than some, a little more methodical in our choices maybe. They are probably right, but we just don't know any other way. For example: This week we did a cost benefit analysis of cloth diapers vs. disposable. I thought I was sold on cloth diapers. I had all the supplies picked out and put on my baby registry. I told friends and family of our choice and was sure we could make it work. I'm sure we could have but at the price of who's sanity?
Anyway, after our cost benefit analysis we learned that disposable diapers are almost equal to cloth (gasp). I too was shocked. The little bit we would save would be paid for in laundry and time, my time, my precious new mom time. So we said no thanks to that idea and began our quest.
Mmmmmm, rewards points |
One thing I love about Dan is that he loves a good deal as much as I do. Why pay full price when you could buy on clearance or at the thrift store and don't forget our shared love of garage sales? I get excited just thinking about it, oh to save money! Did you know we've flown cross country several times and have yet to pay cash for a ticket. Why? Because Dan loves to play the savings game. He has found all sorts of credit card deals that offer airlines points and rewards points that have allowed us to fly home for.....FREE! See why I love him? (disclaimer: don't play the game unless you can pay off your credit card, we don't advocate for going into debt just to visit WA)
I knew we could do disposable when I heard Dan getting excited about coupon websites, store apps and super sales. We decided our 'sweet spot' would be .16 cents a diaper. Get it sweet 16. We wouldn't pay anything more. But today.....Dan found us an even better deal at .08 cents a diaper! Killer right? So how did you spend your Saturday? We spent ours trekking from one CVS to the next cleaning out their supply of size one and two diapers, 'cause really who doesn't love a good deal?
What we've learned is that drug stores often have the best deals. I wasn't a believer before but I'm now convinced.
Our stockpile, ready for babe. So your kid might have to wear Santa diapers in May but really....who cares?