Friday, December 12, 2014

34 Weeks

Happy 34 weeks baby! People are beginning to notice you before they notice me, a trend I'm sure will continue 'cause you'll be so stinkin' cute. But yes, you have grown. The doctor estimates that you are about 3 pounds this week. 

You sure do like to wiggle, a trait you pick up from.....well maybe both of us. Like clock work I can tell when you wake up and when you go to sleep? Who are we kidding, I don't ever remember you going to bed. I haven't had to do a kick count on you since week 27, for that I'm thankful!

It is beginning to look like Christmas both in our house and around town, although this picture looks like fall, don't be fooled, I only took my jacket off for a moment. A new jacket mind you, we both didn't fit in any of my old ones. We are so very excited to meet you!

Do you remember that character from Charlie and the Chocolate factory? Violet? Yeah, those are my feet and yes, I look a little like violet, at least around my middle. 

We were without our trusty chalkboard today but I think you get the idea. 34 weeks here we come! Soon and very soon we get to give lots of snuggles and kisses.