Monday, September 29, 2014

It's a.....

I think there are a lot of mixed opinions these days about whether or not to learn the gender of your baby. For us it was a 'yes please'. For many reasons, one of which is how exciting it is to know. I've heard though that waiting until delivery is also really special and brings an excitement and joy all its own (maybe a surprise will be for the next go round). But for this one we wanted to know. Would you like to know too?

please forgive the blurry phone picture

In case you can't read that, "It's A Girl." We now get to include the word(s) girl, of course, but also daughter, niece and she. No longer an it but Our Baby Girl! (please read a big smile in my voice as I write this) We would have been pleased with a boy or a girl but the knowing is, for us, so special. And now for you reader, we hope the knowing is special for you as well. 

Note to the reader: We are planning to keep our daughter's name a secret until after her birth, you can ask but we won't tell. Guess there are somethings still left to surprise you with. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

22 weeks

Well baby, you are 22 weeks old now. I've gone from being slightly aware of you to now very aware. It seems like last week you decided to move and kick way more than ever before (that may seem obvious but it's still very cool to experience). I've been asking you to kick hard enough for daddy to feel and like the good, obedient first born you are, you responded. On Sunday, dad got to feel you kick for the first time. But you can be a trickster sometimes, just when you are moving and squirming and he puts his hand to feel, you stop. Baby, this is not hide and seek. 

I swear the bump looks bigger in person. 
This week you've gained 3 oz, that's a lot when you are so tiny to begin with. They tell me you are the size of a spaghetti squash, only way better looking I'm sure. We love you precious one. We pray for you all the time and know life wouldn't be the same if you were to leave.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Your baby too

My brother asked me a couple months back if I was going to post weekly photos of the bump. Not thinking I would be one to participate in that trend I said "no." But this week I can't seem to help myself, especially since we (the royal we, baby and me, but mostly baby) have gone from slight pooch to really noticeable. 

And, there is also the fact that this is your baby too! Maybe you're missing seeing it grow. Maybe this is your niece or nephew, grandbaby or relative and in that case I think I'm totally justified in posting the 'bump' photos for you, 'cause I think you secretly or not so secretly care :)

To catch you up on what's been happening we have:

Thankfully sickness ended around week 16, this last month has been delightful. I think I actually enjoyed being pregnant this last month! Just tonight Dan gave a big grin at the table, he too is thankful I'm feeling better, we are eating meals now! Fully cooked meals, it's the small things folks.

And now we are in:

Yep, week 21. Past the halfway mark and fully in the second trimester. My, how we've grown (again, the royal we- baby and I). This week baby is 13 oz, only 380 grams. For you folks at home that is very tiny and yet big enough that I can feel baby move, squirm and give gentle kicks, think the size of a carrot. Super cool! Who knew that someone with 3cm legs could make such an impact!

It was hard for me to enter into full excitement mode when my head was hanging over the toilet (sorry if that is too personal) but full excitement mode is here now! We've been crafting (not Dan so much as baby and I) and decorating and cooking! Ahhh the joys of the second trimester, it is everything they say it will be and so much more. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I want to get away

We wanted a little get-away for our Labor Day Weekend as it seems do many other Americans. Maybe you went camping or hiking or on a road trip one final time before summer's end. We did too. This time to Chattanooga. After last year's misfortune in Mobile, AL- trust me this city does not need to make your top 10 or even top 100, we decided to head in the opposite direction, somewhere a little closer and a little 'cooler' (pun intended).

What do you think of when you hear the word Chattanooga? Maybe something like:

Or maybe you are history buff, like this guy below, and you think about THE battle for Chattanooga at Chickamauga. We learned all about the Civil War Battle here (technically in GA) and on Lookout MT.(again, in GA, but who's keeping track?)

Or maybe like me you went to Chattanooga to stand on Lookout Mountain and See Seven States from Rock City.

and to see waterfalls, caves, rivers and more.

Monday, September 1, 2014

WE are back

Apologies for the gap between posts. It has been so long Google didn't even recognize me. I even had to create a new password to log in! I promise I have a good reason for my absence though, I'm sure you've heard and if you haven't, I apologize that you are learning this over a blog post but Dan and I are expecting our first baby in January! 


(When I look at myself in the mirror I feel HUGE but somehow these photos don't have same effect.)

 See what I mean about good reason? The last 12 weeks have been challenging. I can't really explain it to you and I'm sure you won't really get it unless you've had some foreign creature  baby living inside of your body but trust me when I say there is nothing like it. I've been sick before, I've felt strange before, but this was not the same.

Week 18

But as the three of us walk though week 18 together, we are much happier than week 8, we are thankful that this little creature is in charge, even if it means we are just along for the ride. Thankful to be welcoming babe into our family and thankful for renewed energy to blog!