Every day we drive to work (and home from work) through an area of town that looks unlike any other place in town. There are random pipes sticking out of the ground, big blocks of concrete randomly strewn about the ground, signs without buildings and foundations but no buildings, chaos, abandoned and sparse. We had heard about a Tornado coming through town but to see the remains makes it real. It feels very odd to live in a place where tornadoes or should I say tornadas are a routine part of life. Have you lived in a place like that?
On both sides of the street you can clearly see what the tornado destroyed; elementary schools and churches and Sonic drive thrus, crazy stuff like that.
The remains of...I'm not sure.
Notice the remains of a building.
All that remains of the school is the brick sign.
But what we've started to see change on our commute.
Growth! And not just in one place but in several spots along both sides of the road. I think our commute is about to get busier.